In the beginning there was Surfing, which gave birth to Skateboarding, which spawned Buttboarding, which evolved into Steetluging. Now with any good thing you have a group of people who are never satisfied until they add power. This is why the world of Powered Streetluge now exits.

Streetluge is lying down on a long, specialized skateboard and riding down a paved road or path.
Darren Lott - Streetluge Survival Guide 1998

A Powered Streetluge is a hybrid Streetluge that has been modified by adding a power source
other than gravity be it gas, jet, rocket, electric, etc.
Roland Morrison 2005

Classes and Record Requirements         Records Set with History


The new Powered Streetluge T-Shirts are now on sale online

Luster Lace - Luster Pad

Billy Copeland "The Rocket Man"
Billy lives in Tennessee and started out back in 1996 by mounting 4 D-rocket motors to the back of his Streetluge. His second attempt was with 2 G-rocket motors and finally ended up with 4 G-rocket motors.

Billy was the first to be listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for his 98.5mph run made by firing 15 of the 24 rocket motors attached to the back of his Streetluge.

You can read more about Billy in the following website

Video Clip of Billy and his Rocket Streetluge

Bob Swartz "Secret Squirrel"

Bob lives in Maryland and started out back in 2004 by purchasing his gas turbine Jet engine and proceeded to engineer a way of mounting it to the back of his Streetluge. After many hours of design and construction Bob's Jet Powered Streetluge emerged.

Bob performs at drag strips with the jet cars and trucks. He has clocked speeds over 80mph on the 1/4 mile drag strips and has a recorded a top speed of 119.2mph on his GPS.

You can read more about Bob in the following website

Video Clip of Bob's Jet Powered Streetluge

Joel King

Joel lives in West Sussex UK and started working on a Jet Powered Streetluge back in 2005 with the goal of reaching 120mph. On August 27, 2007 with a motor supplied by Heward Microjets Joel nearly reached his goal with a top speed of 114.714mph and his two run average being 112.7mph. Limited by the course Joel feels he can press his record even further to possibly 130mph.

You can read more about Joel and his record attempt in the following website

To view more pictures of Joel King and his Powered Streetluge click Here

Dave Pullman
Dave begin Streetluging in 2002 after watching the movie Roller Ball with Chris Klien, it featured two Streetlugers racing down hill in San Francisco. After seeing the Harley-Davidson® Powered Streetluge in 2007 he was inspired to build a Power Streetluge of his own. After constructing his Powered Streetluge Dave took things to the next level by hand shaping and building front and rear fairings for his Powered Streetluge to greatly improve the aerodynamics. With testing still waiting to be done Dave is already envisioning his next Powered Streetluge and it includes a Hiyabusa motor.

Keep checking back to see how testing goes on Dave's Powered Streetluge, video is coming.

If you would like to contact Dave to get more information on his Powered Streetluge email

Luc Conrardy

Luc lives in Belgium and spent quite a while (over two years) constructing his gas turbine’s building several jet powered steps with some advice from Bob Swartz. You can see the unique custom wing / fuel tank he designed for stability and the Olympus AMT 52lbs thrust engine he used.

He has currently only been to 50mph on his Jet Powered Streetluge but plans to increase that when he finds a more suitable location to run.

Video Clip of Luc Jet Powered Streetluge

Bones Bearings®
Jenna Morrison is sponsored by Bones Bearings®
Jenna Morrison

Jenna lives in Southern New Jersey and began Streetluging at the age of 14 then quickly moved on to racing at age 15. Competing in a sport dominated by the opposite sex did not matter to Jenna event thou her father did have concerns. The guys saw her as just another competitor. At her first Madison County Gravity Fest it was obvious to Jenna that speed was not an issue making runs at nearly 70mph. So when she climbed aboard the 100cc Powered Streetluge at the Texas Mile event in October 2007 she was more than ready for the challenge. Who knew that rather then walk in her father's footsteps she chose to ride right over them by recording a top speed of 102.002mph at her first event.

Video Clip of Jenna's October 6th, 2007 102.002mph Run

On September 19, 2008 While attending the World of Speed event held on the Bonneville Salt Flats Jenna pushed her top speed record to 113.398mph with her two run average being 113.247mph. During the same event Jenna made several runs above the 100mph mark with a few reaching the 100mph mark in the first 1/2 mile.

Happy with her first Bonneville Salt Flats event Jenna was disappointed she did not break the 120mph mark. Jenna's 2009 plans are to give the ¼ mile a try and return to the World of Speed event in 2009. She would really like to make the 130mph club and get her 130mph certificate.

On August 9, 2009 At the American Bike Fest held on Maryland International Raceway Jenna Morrison beat Bob Swartz in the first official Powered Streetluge race in a best two out of three race.

Video Clip of Jenna's racing Bob in a best 2 out of 3 race August 9, 2009

On September 6, 2009 The Press of Atlantic City is doing an article on Jenna and her record attempt. Press reporter Susan Lulgjuraj came out and interviewed her so they can post a before article and then when we return an after article on her achievements. If it works out they'll also be posting the article in their website.

September 19, 2009 While attending the World of Speed event Jenna made three passes at over 114mph breaking her current record USFRA's 130 club webpage

Milwaukee Iron          Rebel Gears
The Harley Powered Streetluge is sponsored by Milwaukee Iron and Rebel Gears

Roland Morrison
Roland lives in Southern New Jersey and started researching ways to mount a gas motor to the back of a Streetluge in July of 2004. His first proto type PS1 Powered Streetluge used a small chainsaw motor and ran just over 50mph. Proto type II PS2 used a KT-100 Yamaha motor and broke the 100mph mark he set for his first goal. He furthered his record by taking PS2 to the World of Speed 2006 event on the world famous Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah (USA) where he pushed his record to 105mph. Pursuing his never ending goal of Faster Roland in June of 2007 finished work on his new Powered Streetluge PS3 that is powerd by a 1200cc Harley-Davidson® Sportster® motor which he took to the Texas Mile event in October 2007. On his first test run he recorded a pass of 114.004mph. His second two runs met with technical difficulties and was no longer able to continue.

On March 1, 2008 Roland was invited down to Maryland International Raceway to see what the 1200cc Harley-Davidson® Powered Streetluge would do in the 1/4 mile. On his first test run he recorded a 77mph pass, second was an 88mph pass, third was a 95mph pass and on his last pass he broke the 100mph mark with 100.23mph pass.

On June 22, 2008 Roland was invited down to Maryland International Raceway to display and make exhibition runs for MIR's summer bike fest. On his first test run he recorded a 107mph pass, second was an 112mph pass, third was a 110mph pass and his last was a 115.13mph pass.

On September 17, 2008 While attending the World of Speed event held on the Bonneville Salt Flats Roland pushed his top speed record to 138.25mph on the short course and joined the 130mph club. On September 20, 2008 at the same event Roland pushed his top speed record even further on the long course by running 145.17mph for the last run of the event. During this run all 4 front wheels began to melt at 140mph and when he rolled to a stop he found that all 4 where shredded. His two run average for the event was 141.714mph.

On September 18, 2009 While attending the World of Speed event Roland made the first 150+mph pass by recording 150.32mph on his first run. On his second run he discovered that the transmission was broken and he had no 4th gear USFRA's 150 club webpage number X85

April 19, 2012 AHDRA event day 1 at Atco Raceway, giving the new motor a run with the goal of 120mph, 121.14 on my first run, new 1/4 mile record. Maybe I should shoot a little higher Tomorrow<

April 20, 2012 AHDRA event day 2 at Atco Raceway, Yesterdays new record of 121.14mph did not last long, second pass 125.89mph is now the 1/4 record. The new motor is more power then I expected but I have not spun the rear wheel on the line so it has more in it.

June 2, 2012 MIR event Maryland International Raceway for the Summer Showdown to display and make exhibition runs. Atco proved the new motor has a lot more powered but it proved it Today by breaking the 11 second mark with a 11.91 second pass.

July 13, 2012 Loring Timing Association Loring Air Force Base Maine First pass I encountered speed wobbles so I returned to the pits and made an adjustment. Second pass for my 125mph license I ran 141mph.

July 14, 2012 Loring Timing Association Loring Air Force Base Maine Third pass of the event I ran 142mph. Forth pass of the event I ran 165.931mph. Fifth pass of the event I ran 169.46mph. New record for two run average 167.695mph, single pass record 169.46mph.

Roland and the Harley-Davidson® Powered Streetluge are available for display and exhibition. You can contact him through email at

Video Clip of Roland's March 26, 2006 103mph Run

Video Clip of Roland's October 6th, 2007 114mph Run

Video Clip of Roland's March 1st, 2008 100.23mph Run on MIR's 1/4 mile race track

Video Clip of Roland's June 22nd, 2008 115.13mph Run on MIR's 1/4 mile race track

Video Clip of Roland's September 17th, 2008 138.25mph Run at the World of Speed event held on the Bonneville Salt Flats

Video Clip of Roland's July 14, 2012 169.43mph Run at the Loring Timing Association event held on the Loring Air Force Base Maine

You can read a full cronical and follow Roland's work in the following website
Milwaukee Iron
The Harley Powered Streetluge is sponsored by Milwaukee Iron

Powered Streetluge Photo Galleries

If anyone has any information or pictures of Powered Streetluges please email me

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